Even though nowadays I code on an arch linux machine, I used to code with my macbook for 3 years of my university carreer
and still sometimes do. Here I'll give a quick overview on how I would go about doing this.
That program hackers sometimes seem to be working on in hollywood movies is
actually going to be your second home if you get good at coding:
This is the terminal app, open it by just opening spotlight and typing
"terminal" or if that doesn't work go to your launchpad ➡️ other
➡️ terminal and click it (yours isn't going to have the pinguin,
nor the apple, house, tilde and green symbol). Now that we have it open,
right click the icon on the bottom of the screen and pin it so you don't have
to search for it every time (options➡️ keep in dock). If by
opening a browser by clicking on the app icon or opening a file from finder
is ordering a flight to somewhere then this is the cockpit of your pc, from
here you control the plane. All the apps work through this terminal in the
background, people used to have to do everything via this terminal but
nowadays with everything being graphical it only gets used by.. well.. Us!:
Programmers. you might see a "~" at the line you're currently on in the app,
this means the "home directory", i.e the USERNAME (In my case arthuradriaens)
directory where all your files are located such as Downloads and Documents.
Now I'll tell you about some basic commands you'll use very often in your
coding journey and you can now test out by typing them in the terminal and
pressing enter:
up,down,left and right arrows: move around, e.g up arrow shows you the previous run command and left and right moves around the text you typed in the terminal. Of course if this is your first time opening the terminal you won't have any previous commands.
ls: See all the files in the current directory
cd: move to a directory, i.e "cd Downloads" would move to the directory downloads, to go up a directory type "cd ..". Notice that you can only move to Downloads if it's in your current directory, you can, however always go to whatever directory you want if you type the full file path e.g "cd /home/USERNAME/Downloads". With the exception being that if you want to go back to the home directory you can just "cd" (i.e without any arguments).
How does a unix computer handle packages?
This isn't necessary knowledge to program on your mac, but it does make it easier to memorize what follows.
In general, the filesystem of a unix-based PC (e.g a macbook but also all linux platforms)
have 'root' denoted as "/" in the filepath as the highest "file", next you have a lot of folders:
Try reproducing this output. We're located at
/home/USERNAME e.g /home/arthur, this is where you find your familiar folders
such as Downloads, Desktop,... .
Aside from this, in every folder there are 2 special folders that you can't
see, the folder "." (dot) and the folder ".." (dotdot). The "." folder is the
current folder and the ".." folder is the parent folder.
Now when you start a program from the command line, your computer searches
all the directories in a variable called PATH, if an executable with the name
you typed is found there that is the executable that will be launched. To see
what directories are in your path you can enter into the terminal "echo
$PATH". When a program gets installed (e.g python) , it gets installed into a
directory listed in this PATH variable, if that's not the case your program
wouldn't work.
To install programs and update them we'll need something called a "package
manager", this makes our lives way easier. The package manager I use for
macbook (and it's probably the only one available) is called homebrew and is
installed by going to
Their website, clicking
on the little clipboard symbol (as this makes the line copy to your
"clipboard": the place where command+c is stored) under
Homebrew, pasting in the terminal and pressing "enter". This might
prompt you some questions in the terminal app, try to read the questions and
if it's a yes or no question it will end in "Y/N?", to answer yes you just
type "Y" and hit enter, analogous if you want to answer no. If the question has a
suggested answer it will show up like this: "[Y]/N", i.e it's adviced to
answer "Y".
Using homebrew
After you're done answering the questions try out homebrew by installing python! To do this simply type
"brew install python" and look at it doing everything for you! To install
packages that you might need in python (e.g numpy, matplotlib,...) you use
pip so for example "pip install numpy" installs numpy. This can't be done via
homebrew as pip installs them to a different directory where python looks.
Two commands to
memorize are "brew upgrade", which upgrades all your packages to their latest
version and "brew update" which upgrades homebrew.
Using the terminal to launch programs
Say you created a file hello.py (e.g using Vim which we'll get to later) in
your downloads directory, to execute this file go to your downloads directory
in the terminal (using cd as mentioned before) and type "python hello.py". To
stop a program that freezes in your terminal you can always hit the key combination
It can be quite useful (and fast) to stay in the terminal and not have to
open up a text editor to write your programs, especially if it's a small
program. A tool I like quite a lot for this is vim. Of course this is
optional and you can still use vscode or something similar if you want to but
this can also be useful to quickly change a file. You install it the way you
would (now) install any program, by writing "brew install vim" in your
terminal and hitting enter. To make for example the file hello.py in our
downloads folder we can now move to our Downloads folder and type "vim
hello.py". Vim has "modes" and you're now in "command mode", so you can't
type just jet. To insert text hit the "i" key so you enter into "insert"
mode. You can now start typing, as you get better at vim you'll really
appreciate this "mode" style of typing as a lot can be done using the
"command" mode, but for now we'll keep it simple and say that you can just
type something like "print("hello")" and write and quit by hitting the
"escape" key to get back into command mode and typing ":wq" to Write (w) and
Quit (q). To try out vim open op a large text file/program (basically the
same thing as extensions like ".txt" or ".py" don't really mean anything and
are just like the name of the program) with vim and in command mode move
around using the "h", "j", "k" and "l" keys. These keys are the standard for
moving around the file as you don't have to leave your fingers off the
keyboard, you can jump a lot up (or down) by "repeating" e.g typing "10k"
will make your cursor jump up 10 lines (same for "10j") it might take some
time to get used to a lot of these commands but some useful ones are:
yy: copy the full line
p: paste
a: enter insert mode after the current character
dw: delete word, i.e delete the word you're standing on
ciw: change in word: delete the word you're standing on and go into insert mode
. : yes just the "." key, this repeats an action, so if you for example
did a "ciw" and wrote "rabbit" if you then hit escape to go into command
mode and hovered over the word "bird" and hit dot, the word will change
to "rabbit".
o: insert below the current line
w: word, i.e move forward a full word
b: back, i.e move backwards a full word
G: move all the way down in a file
gg: move all the way up in a file
u: undo the previous command
ctrl+f: Move forwards a page
ctrl+b: Move backwards a page
Vim bindings
This is REALLY optional but you'll appreciate this a lot if you are
used to vim, if you type very long commands in your terminal and you need to
change something way at the beginning it can be quite the pain. This is solved
by enabling vi-mode in your zsh profile (zsh is the shell you're interfacing
with using the terminal, if you have no clue what all of this means, I'm
planning on doing a blog on general terminology). You can do this by going to
your home folder and editing the .zshrc file, there in some line add 'bindkey
-v' and now, if you hit escape on the terminal, it works the same as in vim!